Exceptional businesses start with exceptional offers, positioning, and user experiences

Not more PPC. Not more demos. Not more capital buried in questionable salaries.
But it’s hard to lick your own elbow and spot the gaps in your offer, positioning, and user experience–gaps where perfect-fit leads and clients are falling through.

Psst. Your potential clients are
happy to unhappily live in the status quo.

Because change is hard.
Even if your solution is cheaper, smarter, faster, easier and can finally bring world peace. So how are you going to get them to sit up and take notice?

By building a that's ____ on what they want, A different so loud and a story so , it hooks your audience and Brand Strategy that hooks your audience where they're at and fits their fingerprint.
That means brand positioning and a narrative that clearly defines why you and not them. A clear offer and pricing structure. An exceptional user experience. A cohesive brand system that looks and sounds the same across all touchpoints.  
It’s nuanced, complex, and exactly what Furrow does best.
the furrow formula

Meet our  

Brand Strategy System

Positioning + Product + Persona

Positioning Strategy
What’s your story? How do we position your brand as the best and easiest solution?

So you get warmer prospects who understand how you fit in their lives, what problems you solve best, and why they should partner with you.

Things like:
Brand Narrative
Product-Market Fit
Target Market Research
Market Landscape
Product Strategy
How can we fine-tune your offer and experience to best speak to and support your audience's needs? 

So they can easily understand how you help, and so every stage of their experience repeatedly drives home your core brand promise.

Things like:
Offer Structure
Pricing Strategy
Client Communication
General UI/UX
Persona Strategy
How should you show up in the market? What look, feel, and voice should you use to plant trust and grow authority?

So you spark awareness, inspire trust and attract right-fit leads with perfectly-executed positioning.

Things like:
Verbal Identity
Visual Identity
Values, and the practical ramifications

Clarity isn’t just a state of mind.
It’s a state of business.

Make a deeper impact, while earning more and spending less.
Go further, faster with all your brand elements working in sync to deliver your message
Bring your team on the same page, fired up around your brand.
It works like this:
More client retention = more brand authority, referrals, and  revenue

It’s an upward spiral from here on up. We've crafted a foundation for success and now you sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Optimized offer + strong messaging = more hot leads

A tight and refined offer combined with compelling messaging means you can let your website inform, educate and do the selling for you.

More clients + optimized offer = more client retention

Your customers stick around and become your brand ambassadors as your workflows support and service their needs.

More hot leads + more conversions = more clients

With more right fit leads in  your pipeline, conversions rise, sales cycles shorten, and your customers begin flowing through a tightly optimized user experience.


Strategy that’s built on research, not guesswork.

Every business is different, and so is our research. We don’t do cookie cutter and we will dive down every rabbit hole to get into the heads of your prospects and clients.
(But here’s a general framework so you get the basic idea of how this goes.)

Leadership workshop

Kickoff call with the leadership team to learn the big picture: why you launched, what your long-term vision is, and where you think you fit in.

Discovery calls

In depth calls with key team members where we get the gritty, hands-on, front-lines perspective.

Software demo

Walk-through of the ins-and-outs of your software, so we can experience it's value firsthand and help you sell it more effectively.

Target market research

Probing what your target audience actually believes, feels, wants,  so we can create messaging with maximum impact.

Customer interviews/surveys

What do actual clients say about your business? What do they love about your business offer? These interviews give us the insight, plus actual words we can use in your messaging to attract prospects just like them. (and yeah, there’s usually a surprise or two for you here).

Sales calls/demo recordings

We’ll listen and learn how your sales play out in real life, so we can map your messaging to the the flow of a natural sales call/demo.

Analytics, heat maps, click maps

We use real data to tell us what answers your potential clients are looking for on your website. How are they using their site? What info are they trying to find first? Where are they looking (or not looking)? If you have qualitative data set-up, we’ll find those answers here.

Competitive intelligence

In-depth analysis of both your direct and indirect competitors, so we can find your unique edge, and position you most effectively in your market landscape.

Social listening

What does the world say about the problems and solutions in your space? We’ll mine through things like articles, blogs, online reviews, podcasts, and listen in on platforms and groups where your target market is active to get a broad and true perspective.

Audience Panel Survey

We'll create a survey for an audience panel (paid-for responses for consumers in your target market) to answer specific market questions, validate a positioning angle, and learn more about your target market.

Learning and Listening
Ideal Customer profile (ICP) 

Who are you a best fit for? How do your clients and prospects describe their problem? What is important to them in a solution? What are they nervous about? Are there any other stakeholders we need to convince?

Market Landscape

How do prospects currently solve the problem you solve? What are the pros and cons of each solution? How do you fit into the current market landscape?

Unique Selling + Value Props (USP + UVP) 

Why are you the best solution to your ICP? Why should prospects choose you over any other solution? 

Offer Structure/

An organized offer structure that makes it easy for prospects to understand your services, and/or  packages that meet your prospects needs, wherever they're at.  


Tiered packages? Bundles? Freemium vs. free tier? We'll work with you to develop a pricing strategy that is both in line with your positioning, and profitable.

Offer Optimizations

It's all in the details. How can we perfect your offer and process to make your client experience an easy and delightful one?

Brand Mantra

The why behind your brand–what are you here to change or add to the industry? What do you want everyone to know about you?

Brand Mission

The one thing you want prospects to know they'll get when working with you.

Brand Values

Your values are our brand pillars, and create the guidelines for your offer, brand voice, and visual identity.

Brand Archetypes

Distill all the above into clear, practical archetypes to define your brand, and make it easier to execute on.

Presentation Workshop

Here’s where we’ll share our thoughts - and you’ll share yours. We’ll discuss, dissect, and discover a clear plan to hit the ground rolling.


Adjusting the strategy as necessary to reflect your feedback, so you have a clear direction forward.

Brand strategy guide

Get a beautifully designed, easy to follow Brand Guide PDF.

Battlecard/strategy brief

All the brand fundamentals of the guide on one page that you/your team can print it, post it, and refer to it in a snap.


What do you want to achieve?

Get what you need to make the impact you want. Nothing more, nothing less.

Best-selling package
The Core Clarity Workshop

Business owners that are just starting to form their business

Pitch your business with confidence

What you need:

A clear way to communicate what sets you apart and why clients need your product/service so you can make your pitch clearly and confidently.

How we help:

We lean in, ask pointed questions,  listen closely to discover your optimum positioning. Then we  crystallize that unique, compelling offer you’ll share with the world.

- Questionnaire

- 90 min Clarity Workshop

Your takeaways:
1. Core Messaging Brief

that will give you market-solid clarity and strategically crafted messaging to clearly explain what you do,  how you do it, and why you do it best.

Your investment:
Let’s Collaborate
Best-selling package
The Essentials Brand Strategy

For pre-launch/young businesses with one main service

Get on the map, and stay on the map

What you need:

You know you are bringing new value to the market, but are not sure how to best break in and communicate that effectively.

How we help:

1. Market Landscape Research

2. Target Market Research

3. Positioning Strategy

4. Foundational Messaging

5. Offer Structure

6. Offer Optimization

7. Verbal Identity

8. Business Roadmap

9. Website Strategy

Your takeaways:
1. The GTM Brand Strategy Guide

that will give you a clear and cohesive brand strategy to guide your marketing, messaging, and business growth.

2. Light Review and optimization

of your offer and user experience, to remove any significant friction or obstructions.

Your investment:
Leadtime: 3-4 weeks
Let’s Collaborate
Best-selling package
The Complete Brand Strategy

For mature businesses with

3+ service lines

Become an industry-leader

What you need:

Cohesive and unified positioning and messaging strategy to clearly communicate all that you do–and that you do it best for your audience.

How we help:

1. Market Landscape Research

2. Target Market Research

3. Positioning Strategy

4. Foundational Messaging

5. Offer Structure (one organized and cohesive framework to communicate all that you do

6. Offer Optimization

7. Verbal Identity

8. Business Roadmap

9. Website Strategy

Your takeaways:
1. The Complete Brand Strategy Guide

that will give you market-solid clarity of your perfect target-market and positioning, plus how to execute across all your brand touch-points.

2. In-depth review and optimization

of your offer/user experience  to create an easy, effortless, and joyful experience.

3. Website Architecture
Your investment:
Leadtime: 4-6 weeks
Let’s Collaborate

Have something specific in mind?

Give us a hollar here
A quick word on pricing:

Final pricing will reflect your project’s unique specifications – like industry, complexity, and content (but we put pricing estimates so you get the basic ballpark)

“We’ve played the marketing game for a while now and working with Rachel was so much better."

She surpassed all our goals. She does her research until she’s able to get into the audience’s mentality, and she was able to zero in on that very quickly. She worked well with the different teams we had involved. Her piecemeal approach to pricing was very appealing. She just makes it incredibly easy to work with her. And the end result was outstanding, really outstanding. We were sold as soon as we completed the first project, and we’ve worked with her on several additional projects. I don't always give raving reviews, but with Rachel, she really has her finger on the pulse!"

Golda Grossman
CTO, 100 Boulevard (formerly LTC Ally)

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"Helps take the product and business to the next level."

She did phenomenal work taking a very boring bland SaaS and giving it a life of its own.What makes her work so spot-on is that it’s not yes-men-style marketing execution. She makes it a critical point to fully understand the nature of the business and who the clients are before completing anything. That not only makes the marketing so precise and targeted, but helps take the product and business to the next level.

Abe Mandelbaum
Co-Founder, Clearstream Billing Solutions

<svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.7001 8.29609C19.7001 10.1186 18.2226 11.5961 16.4001 11.5961C14.5776 11.5961 13.1001 10.1186 13.1001 8.29609C13.1001 6.47355 14.5776 4.99609 16.4001 4.99609C18.2226 4.99609 19.7001 6.47355 19.7001 8.29609ZM14.4683 8.29609C14.4683 9.36301 15.3332 10.2279 16.4001 10.2279C17.467 10.2279 18.3319 9.36301 18.3319 8.29609C18.3319 7.22918 17.467 6.36427 16.4001 6.36427C15.3332 6.36427 14.4683 7.22918 14.4683 8.29609Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path d="M11.2997 5.29609C11.2997 7.11863 9.82225 8.59609 7.99971 8.59609C6.17717 8.59609 4.69971 7.11863 4.69971 5.29609C4.69971 3.47355 6.17717 1.99609 7.99971 1.99609C9.82225 1.99609 11.2997 3.47355 11.2997 5.29609ZM6.06799 5.29609C6.06799 6.36295 6.93285 7.22781 7.99971 7.22781C9.06656 7.22781 9.93142 6.36295 9.93142 5.29609C9.93142 4.22924 9.06656 3.36438 7.99971 3.36438C6.93285 3.36438 6.06799 4.22924 6.06799 5.29609Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M7.24971 7.99609H8.74971V15.4854L11.4497 18.1854V23.2961H9.94971V18.8068L7.24971 16.1068V7.99609Z" fill="currentColor"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M15.6497 16.0854V10.9961H17.1497V16.7068L14.1497 19.7068V23.5961H12.6497V19.0854L15.6497 16.0854Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>


What’s the ROI on this? We ask the same question.

How much faster would you move?
How powerful could your assets be?
How much impact could you make?
If you had blinding clarity, a rallied team, and your every touch point executing on the same compelling promise?

There isn’t really a dollar amount you could put on it, is there?

You’ve built the business.
Invested the time and money.
You know this can work.

Give it what it needs to succeed.

We’re not scared to call a spade a spade.
If we don’t feel our packages will support your growth,
we won’t try and sell you one. Simple as that.